Event — News — Awamu Children's Charity in Uganda
Magic Lantern film showing for awamu - plant your field of dreams 19.6.2013
EventsawamuArts, awamu bristol, Bristol events, Bristol green week, cinema bristol, Detroit, Event, Field of Dreams, Film, Fundraising, Joe Leech, Kerry Bradshaw, magic lantern, Magic Lantern Film Club, Movies, Secret Cinema, Uganda, urban farmers in Detroit, Urban Farming, Urban gardens, Urban Roots
Magic Lantern: Tracksuits, furry boots and smiles are encouraged!
Donate, Donate your time, Events and workshops, Events in Bristolawamu24 hour party people, awamu, Bristol, Event, Fundraising, Joey Leech, Kerry Bradshaw, magic lantern, magiclantern film club, rave
Our first pre Christmas sewing workshop
Donate your time, Events and workshops, UgandaawamuAfrican Animals, crafts, Eco Christmas, ethical Christmas Gifts, Event, Fundraising, learn new skills, N16, sewing workshops, Stoke Newington
Photo gallery from Discothèque Vélo
Donate your time, Events and workshops, Events in BristolawamuBristol, Discoteque velo, Event, Fundraising, St Nicks Market, the cavern, UK, Wheel of fortune, Wogan
Africa Fashion Guide launch
Craft Trail - Map and Location ready