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Our gardens: week 3

A few photos to give you a little update on the progress of our vegetable gardens...

First some bad news, you may remember John, one of your youngest gardens, from the video we made: Sadly theives destroyed John's first garden by tipping out the soil and seeds to steal the sack (this is a sack that has holes all around the sides for the plants to grow through!).

But, with a little help John has rebuit his garden and then some!

He's made lots of new gardens and added a structure to protect them from flooding, goats and theives. We've given him the money to buy chickenwire that he will add to the wooden structure you can see in the photos.

More families have joined the project and started building and planting their gardens including the wonderful Jane Nakachwa, 25, and her son Dennis Mutebi who is'll hear more from them soon.

We've been on lots of 'exposure visits' to the lovely Camp Green. Harriet (who has been training us) was so taken with John's enthusiasm to become the "Best Farmer" thats she has given him lots of seedlings and tree stock including a very healthy looking banana plant.

More on the gardens soon :)

Catch up on all our garden news..