You can help create a safe, comforting temporary space for girls that need emergency shelter

Huge love and thanks to those that have given to our emergency appeal, it means a lot at this very uncertain time that you chose to reach out to those that need you.

For girls living with an abuser, Christmas is just another day of danger.

Every day here, women and girls are escaping life-threatening situations seeking safety from our team.

We can offer counselling, connect and support them through legal and health systems.

But this is the only space we can offer them - a bunk bed in an office we use every day.

Not even a space to make a cup of tea or talk privately.

We've had so many cases of gender-based violence that I’ve had to take some women into my home. But as numbers of women and girls experiencing violence and abuse grow this is not sustainable.

We’re working round the clock to monitor and protect all children, especially girls. But lockdown restrictions have pushed families here further into extreme poverty and hunger. Putting pressure on everyone and impacting on those who are vulnerable.

Could you give a donation to help us create a safe, comforting temporary space to stay when girls need emergency shelter?

As survivor of violence myself, I know what a difference it can make to finally feel safe after living in fear for so long. Your donation will have a huge impact on the lives of girls who have managed to escape from violence and abuse.

My love and thanks always, Florence