The winning flowers


Check out the winners flowers and compare heights....were you a runner up? If you are itching to know how close you came to winning, check out the heights and widths of your top 5 competitors:

Name Where? Height Width
Robert Johnston & pupils at Southfields Accademy South London, UK 258cm 19cm
Hancock Family Somerset, UK 229cm
Nulu Nabunya Makerere, Kampala, Uganda 220cm
John Matthews Kent 216cm
Wilson Freeman Yorkshire, UK 174cm 24.5cm


Bob and his winning flowers at Southfields Academy.


Wilson (above) with his sunflowers and his winnng wide face flower (below)

wilsons winner


The Hancock's in Somerset narrowly missed out on first prize - coming in at 229cm!


We were sure the equitorial conditions would bring in a first for Kampala but not this year! Nulu and Peter (above) with their tallest sunflower which gained them 3rd place.

jon matthews

And last but by no means least, Jon Mathews and family in Kent with this beauty at 216cm - 4th tallest in the challenge.

Thanks so much for getting involved and sharing you photos - its been a joy to watch everyones progress and share tip and the ups and downs of gardening with you all.

See all our updates from the Sunflower challenge (including all the photos you sent in) here.