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Meet Diana - she loves to dance

I have so much to tell you about what I got up to Kampala that I just didn’t know where to start…until I stumbled this clip on whilst this which I filmed whilst visiting the school that many of children we are supporting with our education grants have just enrolled.

This is Diana (centre) she is universally described by all that know as having ‘character’ because she loves to dance and she doesn’t care who knows it!

I’ve know Diana for three years now - she was one of the first children we supported when I set up the education grants scheme with ActionAid Uganda in 2009 – she has been in nursery and has just (4 weeks ago now) enrolled in to pre-primary class preparing to be streamed into primary.

Her teacher tells me “Diana is very active in class – she is the first to put her hand up and is never shy about coming to the front. She really enjoys being in school"

It made me smile, I hope you enjoy it too.

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