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A monumental day for Kevin

Today is a monumental day. Kevin, 18, just received her exam results. She has scored 15 points in her A-levels guaranteeing her place a university.

Kevin was one of the first to join our education programme and the first to take her A-Level exams and now she will be the first to go to university. We’re so thrilled for her.

“Life was not good for me after losing my father at the age of 10 years. I was selling clothes on the street to try and earn some money to eat. It was a struggle and life seemed like it had come to an end.

One day, I was sitting on the pavement and I remember feeling very bad that day. A woman called *Edith approached me. We talked for a while and she told me to come and see her at the office. That is how my life was changed and Awamu started supporting me to go to school.

I am very proud of my A-level results. And the skills I have acquired from Awamu like tailoring and business management, have given me confidence and made me a leader at at my school where I now lead the tailoring department. I help on school instruction to train other girls in tailoring. There are 20 girls in the tailoring department. These skills will help me support myself through university. I want to be a teacher” Kevin Akinome, 18 years.

*Edith is one of the team of amazing community volunteers we work with.