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Menstrual Hygiene Day

You can make sure a girl like Fiona never has to miss a day of school again. 

The 28th of May was Menstrual Hygiene Day.  To often girls like Fiona miss school simply because they can't afford sanitary towels.

In Uganda, 1 out of 2 girls report missing one to three days of school per month due to menstruation

As part of Awamu's tailoring course for vulnerable women and girls, 48 trainees have been learning to make washable sanitary towels.

In recent months Stella Nyanzi, a prominent feminist academic launched the #Pads4girlsUg campaign and a crowdfunding page to raise money to buy and distribute sanitary items for girls in poor communities.

Stella placed an order for over 500 reusable sanitary pads it to be made by the vulnerable women and girls in our skills training project.

The team were proud to be involved, and the pads will be distributed by Pads4girlsUG to girls in poor districts all across Uganda.

When girls complete secondary school, they marry later and have less children. They also have better maternal health and their children are healthier and better educated.

One additional year in school can increase a woman‘s lifetime earnings by 10-20%.

You can make sure a girl like Fiona never has to miss a day of school again. 

Buy one of our 'Girls Education Kits' for £15  and provide one girl with all the sanitary items she needs for a school year ensuring she never has to miss a day of school because of her periods.

Buy a kit for a friend and  we will send you a colourful card (with an envelope) for yourse to add your own message and send to your chosen friend or loved one.